Prof. Ariel Ismach

2D Materials Laboratory at Tel Aviv University

The 2D materials lab study the growth and formation of layered materials in general, such as graphene, hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), transition metal dichalcogenides with the structure MX2 (M= W, Mo, etc. and X=S, Se, Te) and monochalcogenides (MX, M=Ga, In, etc. X=S, Se, te) at the single- and few-atomic layer level. These materials have many intriguing physical and chemical properties which strongly depend on their thickness (few-atom thick layers). The 2D materials lab also study their structure (phase, chemical composition, number of layers, etc.) – properties (electrical, optoelectrical, thermal, etc.) relationship. Such layered compounds are believed to be potential candidates for a wide range of applications. Selected publications: Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 2005718; Nanoscale, 2020, 12 (4), 2715-2725; 2D Materials, 2017, 4 (2), 025117; ACS Nano, 2012, 6 (7), 6378-6385; Nano letters, 2010, 10 (5), 1542-1548.

2D Materials Research within the Graphene consortium

The role of the 2D materials in the Graphene consortium is many folded: 1. The design of a commercial and large scale multi-functional graphene growth system for the fabrication of single- and multi-layer graphene films together with the BIU and SIMTAL group. 2. The growth of high-quality graphene in the TAU lab and its transfer to target substrates. 3. The design and assembly of a lab-scale system for the growth of h-BN films together with the BIU group, which are highly thermal conductive but electrical insulators (in contrast to graphene which is highly conductive in both). 4. Synthesis of h-BN films on the above system and at the 2D materials lab in TAU using different precursors. 5. Full structural characterization of the above films and transfer to target substrates for further processing and testing.

Contact Details

Prof. Ariel Ismach - [email protected]
Prof. Ariel Ismach - +972-36405079
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